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About Jane


“Don’t be afraid of the dead; be afraid of the living.”

Truer words have never been spoken.

Hi. I’m Jane, and these words of wisdom were handed down to me by my grandfather. I was raised in Tullahoma, Tennessee, a small town nestled between Manchester, the home of Bonnaroo, and Lynchburg, an even smaller town, known for the spirits of the famous Jack Daniels Distillery.

I, however, am interested in spirits from another world. From the time I was a small girl, I have seen, heard, and felt things I have not been able to explain. I believe these feelings are supernatural in nature, spirits, if you will–both of the dead and of the living.

Tullahoma is located near a military installation, Camp Forrest, as it was name in 1942. I was raised on land less than a mile from the quarters, and over the years I have heard countless legends about the darkness that exists on these grounds. Though I cannot explain it, I have always felt a presence in this area.

There is another location that possesses supernatural vibes. Known to the old timers as Lick Skillet, Summitville, Tennessee, is located between Manchester and Morrison. It is a small town with a gas station or two, a number of churches, and a fire tower that rises above a quarry, home to a mysterious cave, which allegedly has been a central location for cults and criminal behavior. Just recently the site was identified as a scene of a murder.

Despite the make-shift altars that have been found on the property, despite the peculiar symbols, there are other natural signs that give warning that an ominous presences dwells here–the absence of the sounds of nature. During one of my excursions there, I realized something was wrong. There were no sounds of birds or inspects chirping. All I heard was the low frequency of a hum, a sound I could not explain.

Although at one time the site of this cave was a working quarry, it has not been in use in years. Thus, there was no explanation for the hum. Although no audible voice told me to leave, I knew deep within me that I was not in a safe place. I had to leave. I believe a door has been opened.

I look forward to working with you, and I appreciate all the help similar paranormal groups have given me. Working together, we can find the answers.


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