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Archive for July, 2013

The Haunting of the Crystal Lake Campgrounds, a True Story by Fredric L. Rice, March 2009


The Haunting of the Crystal Lake Campgrounds, a True Story
By Fredric L.Rice, March 2009
Copyright Fredric L. Rice, all rights reserved.

Before gold was discovered in California, the California Grizzly Bear used to roam the Angeles National Forest in large numbers. After European invaders flooded Westward to dig up that gold, the Grizzly Bears in these parts put up a fierce battle for survival that lasted for seventy five years.

Some fights between the huge bears and the gold miners and settlers that came in were truly epic in scope, and body counts on both sides were horrific. Though children were at first rare in the Western wilderness, settlements at times lost dozens of kids to the Grizzlies who ate them.

Gunfighters who were short of work were at times hired to hunt down and kill the most troublesome bears and, while Winchester and Colt proved virtually unbeatable (just ask any of the Native Americans around you) history records numerous gunfighters who had been tasked with killing specific “problem” bears disappearing into the wilderness never to be heard from again, perhaps meeting their demise at the end of very long, very sharp claws and teeth.

History also says that the last Grizzly was reportedly finally hunted down and slaughtered in Tulare County in August of 1922, an act that proved once again (provided anybody ever doubted it) that Humans remain the world’s worse killing animal, supreme among all others.

Many people at the time lamented the end of the species and, perhaps driven more by wishful thinking than actual fact, rumors and sightings of grizzlies continued despite any real evidence that some had managed to escape the war.

And so things continued, and over the next eleven years as the United States sank in to the Great Depression from 1929 until the start of the New Deal in 1933, the great California Grizzly was relegated to the history books, another sorry chapter detailing man’s inhumanity to everything, including himself.

It was then in 1933 when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his administration developed and fielded the New Deal. Unemployment across the country was around twenty five percent and infrastructure restoration and development projects were created to put men and women to work, some of them leaving their families behind and sending home what little money they made, others taking their families to their jobs with them.

It was one such series of projects which built the Open Air Amphitheater and large dance studio within the Crystal Lake Recreation Area, located twenty five miles North of Azusa in the Angeles National Forest. Singing cowboys from Hollywood movies sang there and Big Band era performers such as Tommy Dorsey and Benny Goodman’s Band played there.

Over the years millions of people sat in the Amphitheater listening to lectures, singing camp fire songs, roasting dinners in the central fire place. Highly decorated men and women from High Society stepped across the river-bottom stones set in concrete that comprised the large dance studio floor, swaying to the brass, strings, and drums of Big Band jazz while children ran and yelled among the spotless Ford vehicles parked out in the dark beyond the reach of the studio’s fireplace light.

It was in 1953 that the State of California adopted the California Grizzly Bear as the State Animal, a fairly ironic act given the fact that the poor creature was extinct at the time.

Or was it? Something happened twenty years before the new State symbol was adopted that most historians refuse to believe happened but some say might not be entirely fictional after all.

In the rush of the New Deal’s creation of the jobs of 1933, an out-of-work farmer named Stephen Majors rode a cargo railroad flatbed in to Barstow, California, looking to obtain such work. Upon reaching Barstow Station he joined a long and seemingly endless line of dusty, ragged, and worried men who had all come to Barstow hoping for any work that could be had.

As a farmer, Stephen had work experiences that placed him ahead of many of the city-raised men standing in line and he was assigned to the work crew that would be dispatched to build the Crystal Lake Amphitheater and dance studio.

Upon signing the papers that identified him to the pay master, Stephen borrowed (some people say he stole it without permission) a brand new “Indian Custom Chief” motorcycle long enough to ride to the Barstow Postal Express office to send a letter to his wife and two children, instructing them to sell what they could and meet him at the Santa Ana Rail Station in California.

Heather Majors was by every account a strong, no nonsense woman who boasted a mildly disfiguring scar across the left side of her face, a scar given to her at the end of a broken bottle swung by the drunken man she had slapped in a notorious roadhouse where she worked setting down watered-down beer to men and women who had recently been freed from the depredations of Prohibition.

Witnesses (who weren’t busy setting down what few coins they had that weren’t earmarked for purchasing more beer in bets on who would win the fight) reported that Heather never faltered a step, immediately leaping in kneeing, scratching, clawing, biting, and punching the man until she managed to wrest the glass shards away from the man after which she turned the bottle around and drove it through the man’s windpipe, twisting as hard as she could — which was very hard indeed, coming from a farm-wife-turned-bar-maid.

Upon receiving the post from her husband in California, Heather sold off what meager possessions her family had left, gathered her two children — a boy of 10 named Markus and a daughter of 12 named Susan — and they bought passage one way on a bus operated by the Greyhound Corporation.

Santa Ana Station at the time was built and operated by Santa Fe Railway which eventually turned the Station in to a major transportation hub five years after the Majors family was reunited on the wood steps of the main passenger platform.

Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center today is nothing like what it was when Heather and her two children met Stephen back in 1933. Women traveling alone with young children weren’t entirely safe from the crowds of unemployed men drifting from rail station to rail station, but Heather’s scarred face and her strong demeanor — not to mention a strong vocabulary of which the saltiest of sailors can only appreciate fully — kept her and her children safe during the trip.

If anything, the trip from Santa Ana to the base of the foothills in Azusa was more difficult and lengthy than the family’s Greyhound trip to Santa Fe Railway’s Station. The distance of about thirty five miles was through cities, towns, orange groves, farms, and ranches, many of which had roads that were not paved.

It took the Majors three days to travel that distance, arriving at the stage-up point in Azusa only one day before the crews were scheduled to travel the remaining twenty five miles North to the Crystal Lake basin to perform the work they were being paid for.

Upon reaching the work site, the Majors were assigned a tent of their own placed somewhat apart from the men who had no families. They were assigned a small piece of carved wood with a number on it which placed the family in which of the meal schedules, shower schedules, toilet schedules, and laundry schedules being run by the Crew Chief and his administrators.

The work was extremely hard and even 10 year-old Markus and 12-year-old Sally were pressed in to service, doing what ever jobs any of the administrators of the projects required. The main jobs of collecting and hauling rock, concrete, sand, and water, slinging tons of dirt with shovels, surveying and all the other activities was left to the men.

The work was brutal, pay was low, but discipline problems were extremely rare. For every man who complained or fought or was caught with alcohol, the punishment was immediate termination of employment. Behind every man who worked, there was a dozen more who were willing and able to take his place and so problems among the men was very rare.

Heather herself took up working preparing food and, on “off days,” working doing laundry. She also sewed and knitted for some of the men who could afford to pay or trade for repairs to their clothes. (Many of the men knew how to sew but took ragging from the others for what most felt was doing women’s work so they took to repairing their own clothes in the dark out in the forest far from the eyes of others, else they asked Heather to do the work for them.)

But for all the hard work it was a good life for the Majors family. There was plenty of food and the regularly scheduled meals had variety. Oranges, grapes, and avocados were purchased from ranches and farms down below, and freshly slaughtered cows were brought up in pickup trucks once a week.

It was the night of September 19th in 1934 when most of the work for the project had been completed that tragedy struck. The day had been the family’s assigned wash day and after the day’s work and after a good scrubbing under heated water dripping from the communal showers, Stephen and his wife Heather had put their two children to bed and then had walked off in to the forest to be alone for a while.

Upon returning to camp and reaching their tent, they found their tent collapsed with their two screaming children trapped inside. Standing on the tent and digging with its claws was a grizzly bear trying to get at the children but not making much noise of its own.

Upon seeing what was happening, Stephen and his wife screamed for help and despite the danger ran the remaining distance to try to save their children. What happened next happened so fast that by the time the Crew Chief with his firearm could be rousted and before the men started to gather silently, all four family members had been horribly ripped to shreds, disemboweled and dismembered fragments from the children and their parents still steaming in the cold September night.

And the grizzly that did the deed? The bear vanished in to the forest and was never caught despite the extensive bear hunt that stopped work for the rest of that week and then also for the following week. While the men were sifting the woods, canyons, and ravines looking for the bear that slaughtered the family, the few women and children who also lived in the camps buried the family on the hillside below the dance studio, placing a small Christian cross made of wood over the four graves.

Normally that would be the end of the story but this is a tale of a haunting, and hauntings live on. In the past seventy five years since that horrible slaughter members of the Majors family have been spotted near the old ruined dance studio floor, usually only vague human-shaped shadows, two adults and two children. All such sightings have taken place on or around September 19th.

Now ghost stories have a way of growing in the telling, and this one is no different. Though it was almost certainly the last actual living grizzly bear in the Angeles National Forest that killed the family that night, as more and more people have seen the family wandering around Crystal Lake, some make the bear out to be something supernatural himself, not a flesh-and-blood bear that mysteriously survived the genocide of its species but a demon come back to exact revenge on the most innocent of families.

And what disastrous revenge it was if, indeed, the grizzly was the demon some say it was. The slaughter was so sudden and so brutal that the Majors family are still up there, still not having come to grips with their own deaths, appearing every September on the anniversary of their deaths looking for their fellow work crews, living forever undead in a shocked state of denial.

Every year on September 19th hundreds of people come to Crystal Lake to spend the night on the old dance studio and on the hillside upon which the studio was built. Though the grounds are in ruins, the crews who built the facility back in the 1930’s did a good job and the floor itself is still perfect for camping on — and dancing, if you’re a ghost or if you have come to see one.

In September of 1978 hundreds of ghost hunters came to Crystal Lake to spend the night with hopes of capturing the family on film, bringing with them their cameras, video recorders, and electronic machines they hoped would prove the existence of the ghosts.

Unfortunately they also brought with them their alcohol, fire starters, firearms, and their unruly human nature — not to mention mountains of garbage which threatened to overwhelm sanitation facilities. With hundreds of people camping on the hill and the dance floor and many of them drunk, arguments were plenty and the Forest Service and San Dimas Sheriff’s Office was kept busy.

That night the dead family was once again seen, and they were seen by at least one hundred people who stayed up that night to see them. Upon the first glimpse of the family that appeared above the spot of land where they had been buried, half the people who saw tried to flee, the other half tried to run toward the family.

Arguments and fighting ensued and many people were trampled. In all the dead were reportedly seen for about thirty seconds only, four dark shapes suddenly appearing under the large oak tree above the studio floor and to the East about thirty feet, working their way North across the hill only to disappear just as suddenly.

For the U. S. Forest Service that was the final straw. Multiple injuries, drunken fights, piles of garbage and human waste all over the area caused the Forest Service to adopt a policy for the next ten years that closed the campgrounds on and around September 19th of every year.

Despite the grounds being closed, individual hikers still came to the site on the night the family would walk again, coming in from Soldier Creek, Windy Gap, and other trails, and still reporting the occasional sighting of the family.

After ten years most people forgot the Majors or simply stopped believing. In 1988 the September closure rule was lifted and from then on until the Curve Fire of 2002, the few remaining ghost hunters who know of the tale return to the grounds on September 19th to catch a glimpse of the family.

Now it is 2009 and the Crystal Lake Recreation Area is scheduled to re-open in September or October depending upon when Caltrans finishes their work on the highway. You can bet real money that once again those of us who remember the story of Stephen, Heather, Markus and Sally will return every September 19th — if only to tell the family that it’s time for them to move on.



Site map is at: Crystal Lake site map
--- This web site is not operated or maintained by the US Forest Service, and the USFS does not have any responsibility for the contents of any page provided on the http://CrystalLake.Name/ web site. Also this web site is not connected in any way with any of the volunteer organizations that are mentioned in various web pages, including the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders (SGMTBs) or the Angeles Volunteers Association (AVA.) This web site is privately owned and operated by Fredric Rice. Please note that information on this web page may be inaccurate.

The creative writings of Fredric L. Rice are intended for entertainment purposes and any person (living or dead,) place, or incident described within his writings is coincidence. This work is Copyrighted by Fredric L. Rice and may be reproduced freely provided no renumeration is received for doing so.


Newest member of Southern Goddess Paranormal

We have a new member! My (Fran) son Jessie has finally decided that his lil gift of being a sensitive actually is okay…lol We really needed a tech person anyways. So welcome aboard Jessie! Just remember if mommy and Jane are running FOLLOW!Image


Hello everyone. I hope all our readers are well and prosper. Just wanted to drop a line or two to thank everyone for reading our blogs and re-blogs and supporting Southern Goddess Paranormal. We have been laying a little low for the summer months. Busy with family and thinking of safety. Most of the territory we tend to investigate in our area is a little unsafe with critters and skeeters this time of year. We should be up and running in the cooler months, however though if you are experiencing the paranormal and in need of our help please DON’T hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to assist you in anyway we can. Again thank for your support! 


Francena S.G.PImage

Haunted Angola, Indiana



Haunted Angola, Indiana

In Angola, Indiana there are a few places that some say have paranormal activity. From what I have read every town has a haunted cemetery. Angola’s Circle Hill Cemetery is haunted by a tall black hooded figure. The figure has been seen wandering the cemetery. The Sigma Phi Epsilon House is said to be haunted by a young girl that died there.

The town circle at midnight if you look at the movie theater you will see a man with a long red beard pacing back and forth at the top of the building. He sobs and screams for “Marie” to come back to him. The man is also known to sit in the back of the movie theater sobbing.

Wing Haven Nature Preserve: for the last 25-30 years there have been rumors that a coven of witches conducted rituals there and accidentally released a spirit or demon. It is contained in the stream. It is said that if you get too close the stream tries to make contact withyou. Some have experienced flat tires, electrical problems, and have even had suicidal or violent urges when around the stream.

Some of the stories that I have found seem to be a little far-fetched. Is there any truth to these rumors? Who really knows.


For Sale By Owner: Mr. G.M. Reaper

LOL good to know 😉

No Faint Hearts in Fort Worth...


Seems legit. 

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Ghost Picture of the Day: The Apparition at Mary King’s Close

Ghosts and Ghouls

real ghost picture scotland

Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh, Scotland has long had a reputation for being haunted. This photo from The Real Mary King’s Close, a company offering tours of the underground street, reportedly shows a ghost after hours. The image comes from an infrared camera the company uses to snap pictures of tourists. Is it a ghost or merely a marketing ploy?

Do ghosts walk the streets of your hometown? Send your stories and pics to ghostsghoul@gmail.com!

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5 Haunted Skating Rinks in the U.S.

Ghosts and Ghouls

haunted skating rinks

Skating rinks and ghosts seem an unlikely combination, but at least five rinks in the U.S. have a haunted reputation. Perhaps the Hockey Pockey is what it’s all about?

Milford Skating Rink, Milford, DE
The Milford Skating Rink has employed dozens since opening its doors in 1982. However, it seems some are reluctant clock out for good. According to the rink’s current owners, skates at the rental counter tumble off their racks and then land right side up on the counter several feet away. The owners believe it is the spirit of a former employee tending to the equipment. Cold spots also plague the rink’s DJ booth, and music blares even when all of the gear is off. A popular DJ manned the booth before dying unexpectedly. Is he responsible for the strange activity?

Skatin’ Place, St. Cloud, MN
Alleged paranormal events at Skatin’ Place include lights that turn on…

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Ghost Picture of the Day: Stairway to Heaven?

Ghosts and Ghouls

real ghost photo castle

A teen snapped this photo while attending a wedding at Scotland’s Tulloch Castle in 2008. According to an article in The Sun, the castle dates back to the 1200s and is reportedly haunted by a woman known as The Green Lady. Do you think this photo is the real deal?

See also: “The Woman on the Stairs

Send your ghost photos to ghostsghoul@gmail.com!

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A Haunted Hotel in Skagway, Alaska

Golden North Hotel:

A Haunted Hotel in Skagway, Alaska

Alaska Mountains

The Golden North Hotel is a haunted hotel in Skagway, Alaska. This structure was built in the year of 1898. It is actually considered to be one of the oldest hotels to operate in the Alaska area. In the year of about 1908, this hotel was moved to the area where it currently stands. Once the move was completed, another story was added to the top in an effort to bring it to three stories instead of two stories. In addition to this, the dome, which is golden in color, was also added at this time. In the year of 1997, this hotel was renovated. Here, you will learn about some of the hauntings that are rumored to occur at this hotel.

The Hauntings of Golden North Hotel

There are at least two hauntings of the Golden North Hotel. The first and most popular haunting that is said to reside in the hotel is that of a spirit which many refer to as “Mary”. In the early days of the hotel, prospecting for gold was a popular activity. It is believed that Mary’s fiancé was in the area engaging in this activity. He seemed to have quite a bit of luck, so he sent for Mary. She arrived at the area and he reserved a room for her at this grand hotel. They spent some time together, and he went back to prospecting, promising to return soon. Unfortunately, while he was away, she developed pneumonia. As her sickness progressed, she laid patiently in room 23 waiting for the return of her true love. Eventually, the sickness overtook her and she passed away. Today, guests claim to see a spirit of Mary in this room. Several individuals who have stayed overnight in the room often awake feeling as if they are choking.

The next rumored haunting occurs in room 14. Individuals who stay in this room, and even the housekeeping staff and other employees claim that there is a strange light that occurs in the room. This light is most evident late in the night, and early in the morning, just before dawn. To some, it appears like a sparkle, or a small light that twinkles on and off. To others, it appears as an orb of light. The light does not appear to be threatening to anyone who sees it, but it is actually quite startling to those who are able to view it. Today, if you want to visit the haunted hotel in Alaska of Golden North, you can easily do so. If you make a visit here, be sure to stop by room 23 and room 14!

The Golden North Hotel
3rd & Broadway
Skagway, Alaska
(907) 983-2451

Odessa, TX is Fridays haunt ;) “Barn Door”



NewsWest 9 Special Report: The Barn Door Haunting

Posted: May 21, 2013 10:09 PM CST Updated: May 21, 2013 10:10 PM CST




by Victor Lopez
NewsWest 9


ODESSA – In the last 50 years, the Barn Door Steakhouse in Odessa, has built up their list of regular customers, some of who, surely have their favorite table.   But, in the corner of the Pecos Depot, is a special seat. One, no other customer can use. It’s permanently reserved for “Billy,” the Barn Door’s permanent guest.


NewsWest 9 reporter Victor Lopez spent the night in the Pecos Depot, in the hopes of getting a glimpse of this turn of the century spirit.


“That’s like a usual thing, coming in here, being prepared to hear something or feel something,” Imelda Martinez, a bartender at the Barn Door, said.


Employees and customers alike have had some sort of run in with “Billy.”


According to owner Roy Gillean, “The previous owners told me, “By the way, we have a ghost in The Pecos Depot.  I’m like yeah, right. Then I had some customers come over and they said, “There’s a spirit running around here.  Did you know that?,”  “Yeah, somebody told me that.”  “No, we can see him.  He’s right there.”


About all we know of Billy is, he was shot inside the depot when it was still in Pecos. He must have come along for the ride, when the building was moved in 1972 and he’s been messing with employees, ever since.


“As I’m turning the last light off, I hear chairs being dragged across the floor. Not heavy, but you could hear it in the distance. They went in there to investigate, the chairs had been moved around. One of them had been pushed against the window, as if someone was sitting there, to look outside the window,” Imelda recalled.


None of the staff will go into the bar area after midnight, alone, especially, into the executive room. 


“We had just cleaned the room, swept it, and straightened all the chairs. I had taken some dishes out that way, on the way back, one of the chairs was all the way, away from the table, facing the front door, as if someone was sitting in it, watching me work,” Jeremy Harfield, who’s worked for the Barn Door for years, said.


Managers regularly deal with Billy’s antics. At night, the executive room will be cleaned and set up for whatever function is happening the next day. 


But, come morning, the place settings and chairs have been moved, there are crumbs on the floor and glass rings on the table.


“The rings don’t match,” Restaurant Manager, Joe Luis Acosta, said.  “If you were to get our glasses and set them on there, the rings are wider. 


We challenge each other all the time and take a photo of the room before we leave.  When he gets here the next morning, he’ll call me and say, it’s happened again.”


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Acosta snapped a picture of the security monitors, one Saturday morning, after he heard, what sounded like someone coming in and out the back door.  In the bottom center of a picture, you can clearly see the outline of, what looks like a man. He’s hanging his head down with his arms crossed, over his chest.


Acosta says he can make out something tied around his neck, like a bandana.  Something very similar to what “Billy” would have worn, back in the day.


With this information in hand, NewsWest 9 contacted the West Texas Paranormal Society in Lubbock to see if they would be interested in doing a bit of ghost hunting. 


Founder Jason Perez says they’ve wanted to come investigate the barn door for some time, “We’re possibly, going to see what we can do to find out if this place is actually haunted by an apparition or if there is another entity that is causing the issue, knowing this place was transported from Pecos.”


Armed with the all the tools of the trade, Jason and his crew set up for their investigation. A K-2 meter, which measures an electro-magnetic field, was used. Ghost hunters believe spirits or entities feed off of these energies to manifest themselves. They also used digital voice recorders, night vision cameras and something called a ghost box to record any possible contact.


“It sweeps across the FM frequency from 88.1 to 107.7. When entities try to talk to us, they try to muster up whatever energy they have or energy in the room and talk to us, or basically communicate with us, through that box,” Jason explained. 


After a four hour investigation, the paranormal team packed up, headed home to look over all their video and audio tapes. But, sadly, found no evidence of paranormal activity.


NewsWest 9 photojournalist Brent Desilets and I had a different outcome.  We both had personal experiences off camera and we also caught some interesting things while the camera was rolling. 


We saw flashlights turning on, by themselves, in response to yes or no questions from the ghost hunting team. During a ghost box session in the bar, team members are trying to make contact with “Billy” when a “female” voice is heard through the static, asking for “help.”    


Going back to the K-2 meters, in the course of 4-5 hours, we had already used up four fully charged batteries with a total of about 15 plus hours of charge.  We weren’t even able to record an insert to use in this story.


We also had other experiences that weren’t caught on camera, like a silver ware setting, getting put in place, by itself and finding crumbs on a table that had been clean, all night long.

The employees say they don’t feel threatened by “Billy,” just a little creeped out


White Hall Mansion Richmond, KY


Richmond – White Hall Mansion

The Civil War emancipationist Cassius M. Clay one of his daughters one of his sons and a black servant haunt the mansion. There have been sightings of Master Clay passing back and forth in front of the top middle window (the nursery) waiting for his ex-wife and children to return. June 2005 Update: The Curator at White Hall State Historic Site reports: It is possible that a daughter and son are at White Hall as numerous incidents site a woman and a little boy. A baby most certainly resides in the mansion. On two separate occasions in two different seasons tour guides have heard a baby laughing. Another guide had a small child on her tour remark about seeing babies in the house. The story of Clay passing before the top middle window (which incidentally is the third floor hallway and not a nursery) is a story that the works say they never heard of or experienced at this site. It is doubtful that Cassius would have waited for his ex-wife and children more likely they would be waiting for him as he spent a great deal of time away from home campaigning fighting in the Mexican War as ambassador to Russia and in general making a spectacle of himself. In addition to sightings of a lady (although we call her the lady in black she is rather stylish and tends to change her clothes the Curator?s husband has seen her in blue) music has been heard in the mansion (of the piano and music box variety) as well as footsteps. At times one can also smell candles perfume apple pie bourbon and bacon.


How about Hollywood, CA for today’s Haunt ;)

Haunted Hollywood

Los Angeles Travel website divider

Hollywoodland Sign, 1923. It is said to be haunted by the ghost of Peg Entwistle. Park rangers and hikers have reported seeing a young, blonde woman dressed in old-fashioned clothing who vanishes when approached. [Photo Credit: LA Public Library Photo Collection] Hollywoodland Sign, 1923. It is said to be haunted by the ghost of Peg Entwistle.


Haunted Houses, Mazes and Halloween Events for 2012 – Major Halloween events in Los Angeles and the surrounding area.

Halloween Events at Theme Parks – Events at major theme parks like Disneyland, Universal Studios, Knott’s Berry Farm, Aquarium of the Pacific and others. Updated for 2012.


Haunted Hollywood – by Evelyn Barge. Ghosts have always been a favorite topic in Hollywood, where horror films often produce huge box-office figures. But aside from the smoke-and-mirrors effects of movie studios, the city of Hollywood is purported to possess some real-life specters of its own. Follow the link to read about a sampling of Hollywood’s most-haunted hot spots and the legendary ghosts who inhabit them.

Haunted Hollywood Stories – A series of intriguing Holywood haunting stories by Troy Taylor: Haunted Hollywood! (The History of Tinseltown, First Scandals & the Fall of Fatty Arbuckle); Haunted Hollywood Sign; Haunts of the Sheik (Remnants of Valentino); Haunted Hollywood Movie Studios; The House in Laurel Canyon (Houdini’s Hollywood Haunt); Hollywood’s Haunted Hotels; Hot Toddy! (Hauntings of Thelma Todd); Ghosts of Harlow’s House; The Ghost of Superman (The Mysterious Death of George Reeves); Hollywood’s Favorite Gangster (Ghost of Bugsy Siegel); Hollywood’s Haunted Movie Theaters

Hollywood Ghosts and Haunted Houses – stories about ghosts and haunted places and in Hollywood and Los Angeles.

Map of Haunted Los Angeles – A Google Map with markers at locations of hauntings and ghost sightings in Los Angeles.


Beneath Los Angeles – This website contains famous gravesite locations, as well as pictures of the graves.

Find a Grave – A comprehensive gravesite finder. This website contains gravesite locations, including GPS coordinates, as well as trivia about the famous person. To find the gravesite of a specific actor, use the Famous Grave Search. To view an alphabetical list of famous graves, first click “Browse by Location,” then choose “USA – California.” On the resulting page, change the pulldown menu on the right side to “Filter by fame level: Very Famous” To find where some famous animals, use the Famous Grave Search and search for: Animal Actor

Hollywood Forever Cemetery – Founded in 1899, it is the resting place of hundreds of Hollywood’s greatest stars. Recently refurbished to its original splendor, the cemetery attracts visitors from all over the world. On Saturday evenings during the summer, Cinespia shows classic films at the cemetery.

Hollywood Underground – This website is different than the others because it contains a list of locations, and tells you which actors and actresses are buried there. This is handy if you want to visit a certain location, rather than search for a particular celebrity.


Queen Mary Dining with the Spirits Tour – Following dinner, the group is led on an authentic ghost exploration to renowned “Paranormal Hot Spots” of the ship, not ordinarily accessible to the general public.

Starline Tours Haunted Hollywood Tour – Professional Hollywood tour that visits famous sites of celebrity murder, mystery, scandal, and death. Come join the many spirits that bedevil tinsel town on a star studded history tour of actual haunted places.



From a place where I have lived most of my life ;) West Teaxs


The Lady at Fort Phantom Hill


The Lady Ghost Of Ft. Phantom



The Lady Ghost of Fort Phantom was originally known as “The Lady In The Lake” when the ghost story began in the mid 1940’s. She was to meet her boyfriend who had just returned from the war. The meeting place to be, was Lake Fort Phantom, a popular meeting place for many love starved young people in the 1940’s. She, Mona Bell, would know where to find her young soldier because he promised to flash the headlights on his car three times. The meeting went as planned, but she got there and went to embrace him and he flew into a rage because one of his best friends told him (jokingly) that he kept his girl company while he was away at war. The story goes, he wrapped his hands around her neck and he strangled her and then realizing what he had done threw her lifeless body in the lake. Some of the witnesses of the day claimed that Mona was not dead when he threw her in Fort Phantom Lake at the dam. They say she screamed and then the screams faded into gurgles where she finally drowned.


Today it is said that “The Lady Of The Lake” likes to make your headlights flicker off and on while you’re driving, and she also surrounds your car with a dense fog that is only on your car. Those that have seen her say it’s a very hair raising experience. For the record, and to clarify some misconceptions, the reason that the fort got it’s name “Phantom” was not because of the “Lady” ghost. It was officially called the “Post on Clear Fork of the Brazos”. Its everyday name became “Phantom Hill” either from prevalent mirages or the sighting of ghostly Indian silhouette in the moonlight. Thus called Fort Phantom Hill.

The Anson Lights


The Anson Lights


Now, on this one I have seen the Anson lights with my own eyes. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, when I realized that there has got to be some kind of optical illusion to this story. Yes, optical illusion has to be the explanation because the ghost story involves kids and that is just too creepy for me. As locals tell it, one night during the Depression a young mother ran frantically along the road searching for her missing child, slipping in icy ruts as she stumbled through the cold winter darkness. She never found her little one; the child had wandered away from the house and was presumed to have frozen to death. The mother’s spirit still searches for her child, holding her lantern high to light her way in the dark night. Yet another version of the story has the “son” much older and working for the railroad. The mother and son had a signaling system of sorts using a lantern. When he arrived back he would flash his lantern three times towards the house to let his mother know that he was on his way home. This one starts out at the “Mount Hope Cemetery” near Anson Texas outside of Abilene. The story was given validity when the television show Unsolved Mysteries reported on it a few years back. West Texans from Anson to Abilene have witnessed the phenomena of the mysterious lights. The Mount Hope cemetery is in the country just outside of town. At night the lights are only seen by driving down the dirt road about a half mile or so. As you drive closer to the cemetery towards the mysterious moving lights they instantly disappear.

The Ghoast Children at the Track.


Ghostly Children at the Railroad Tracks Near Albany


As the urban legend goes there was a terrible accident in Albany Texas at the railroad tracks. A school-bus was hit on a railroad track, killing several children. It is said that if you park your vehicle on the tracks, you will feel your car being pushed or rocked back and forth off of the tracks by unseen forces, supposedly by the ghosts of the school children that perished at that very spot decades ago. People claim to have sprinkled baby powder over the bumpers of their cars, only to find small hand prints in the powder. It’s said that the ghostly children try to help stalled motorists off the railroad tracks. There is a very similar story with the same identical instructions about a railroad crossing in San Antonio.

Anson's Bitter Creek Bridge

BARCLAY GIBSON Texas State Photographer

Hangman’s Bridge in Anson is Haunted by Hanged Victim


Anson Texas, again has yet another haunting, but this time it’s not a building or cemetery that is haunted it is a bridge on the old CR-455 and CR-447. Yes a haunted bridge named the Bitter Creek Bridge, where many an execution took place during the 1800’s. As this urban legend goes, the authorities hung an innocent man. So now his spirit roams the bridge where he was put to death he’s looking to get his revenge on the Sheriff and Deputies that executed him. The fact that the bridge is an all metal construction may be the primary reason it is loud and makes lots of noise when driven over. Wind can be heard blowing on one side of the bridge, while the other side is as calm as can be, it’s almost as if the was a wall separates the two. It has been reported by those who live in the area that the creaking and moaning sounds the bridge makes are those of the ghostly victim trying to scare off any who cross his bridge. The final sense you get when crossing the bridge is “chilled” as if you just walked into an ice cold freezer, even during a hot West Texas day. The strangest fact to this “Urban Legend” is that I drove for miles searching for the bridge, then I remembered you have to have a creek with water in it to necessitate a bridge. The water now, is a major sticking point here, because we in West Texas have very little of it. I search for three days then I contacted the sheriffs office. Thank you Sheriff Larry Moore and his staff of deputies to show me the way. Sheriff Moore said “the old bridge was all steel but was torn down and replaced the a new all steel and concrete one many years ago by the state.” That maybe the sole reason we haven’t heard much about this once popular urban legend. No word if Sheriff Moore has ever been on the Bitter Creek Bridge late at night by himself. If he does go rest assured you will read about it first right here.

The Old Weather Bureau is a Landmark Now

photo by: Rudy F.

The Old Weather Bureau on North First


Tina Cargile me reminded of this one. The old Weather Bureau building on north first Street. I’ve had many friends and acquaintances over the years tell me “that weather bureau building at night is just flat creepy.” And Miss Cargile has had first hand experience dealing with the “haunted basement”. The story was once told that the very first Bureau Chief was working one stormy West Texas night. Since he was the first to occupy that building it was taking him a little getting use to, having more space and all. He needed to check something in the basement when he ran to the stairs, and before he took his second or third step he took a nasty spill down the stairs and broke his neck. He was discovered the next morning by his staff that was coming into work for the day. His ghost is said to have stayed in the building, surprising and supervising those who work there today.


Todays Haunt “Old South Pittsburg Hospital”

Old South Pittsburg Hospital

1100 Holly Avenue, South Pittsburg , TN , 37380
423-591-0344     |      paranormalcasemanager@yahoo.com

Overview Photos Video Audio


Old South Pittsburg Hospital is proud to be Tennessee’s only Para-Alternative Research Facility. I opened the doors to Paranormal Teams and Enthusiasts across the United States over 4 years ago to come investigate, learn, and train for 24 Hours! Yes you actually get to sleep in the Hospital! Old South Pittsburg Hospital is the only location that you can come in a safe lock-down environment and do some serious paranormal research, field test theories, and investigate with no interruptions or contamination from outside elements or people. It is also home to many conferences, classes, and Events throughout the year. We have (16) Infrared night vision 24/7 Live web cams that will record your investigation if you choose. You can check them out on: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/oldsouthpittsburghospital Recently we have been featured on Travel Channels Paranormal Challenge as they uncovered some amazing video evidence! We have also been featured on MTV, My Ghost Story and Ghost Lab. OSPH has been coined “EVP Capital“, but has an enormous amount of visual evidence too, shown here on this website or YouTube!

The Hospital is unique in itself, as it has received National attention as being one of the Most Active and Most Haunted locations in the US. We offer many recreation tools and environments to help you collect evidence. We broadcast LIVE 24/7 with audio on Ustream.com so that your family, friends, fans and followers can watch you investigate! There is also the opportunity to watch live seminars, and classes during scheduled events.



The Old South Pittsburg Hospital was built in 1959 and is located on the foothill of South Pittsburg Mountain, in South Pittsburg, TN. The Hospital was built on a solid Limestone rock, as its foundation and a natural spring running directly under the Hospital and into the most Northwest part of the Tennessee River. During the Civil war South Pittsburgs original name was “Pittsburg Landing” The Ferry landing is only an eighth of a mile from the Hospital that was used by both Confederate and Union Soldiers to land at South Pittsburg, and to travel down to Chickamauga Battlefield. In our City Cemetery there are Union and Confederate Soldiers buried side by side that passed in the line of duty. There is also a small section dedicated to the slaves that lived and died here as well with unmarked headstones. In 1778, the Chiaha Tribe located in what is now called South Pittsburg, used this land to live, hunt, fish, and grow orchards. During the Civil War the Chiaha Tribe gave safe passage to the Union Soldiers to transport and store their artillary in the foothills behind the Hospital. The most notable war event here was the bombing of the Union Army’s earthen redoubt, Fort McCook, in August 1862. Many lost their lives including some Native Americans from the Cherokee Tribe. Confederate forces entrenched on the ridges in the New Hope community on the opposite side of the Tennessee River in New Hope, from here timed this attack simultaneously with and attack on Hospital land at the edge of town, prior to the Hospitals construction. This was in the effort to gain control of this part of the Sequachee Valley. Both assaults were successful in their intent with the Union Army cacating the fort at Battle Creek during the night leaving it and much of the stores and supplies to its Confederate victors. Some of the artillary bunkers still exist today behind the Hospital in the foothills of South Pittsburg Mountain. During the Civil war, Gamble Plantation was built here. There have been reports that there were shackles in the basement for slaves that they kept. This new information is currently being researched to find photos and more information. We hope to update the site soon!

Eventually the Union Army would regain control of the area by late summer 1863 and continue its grip until the end of the war. Despite not having a major battel here, the area was ravaged by the thousands of soldiers passing through the area during the war who took livestock, foods and other necessities from the area Native Americans and farmers for the benefit of their cause. This resulted in hard times for many of these families following the end of the war as the attempted to rebuild their lives.

South Pittsburg eventually recovered in shipping its most prized possession and that was minerals and limestone. During 1887, the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railway was build to bring more commerce to the city. At which point the city grew, both financially and resident wise.

In? the doors opened to a hospital situated on 2.3 acres in South Pittsburg, Tennessee. This 68,000 square foot medical facility, founded by four doctors, was known as the South Pittsburg Municipal Hospital (SPMH). Additions to the hospital were built prior to 1980. This bastion of healing would serve the community for almost 40 years before closing its doors for the last time in 1998. In April of 1997, Hospital Corp. of America (HCA), at the time the nation’s largest hospital chain, held the groundbreaking for Grandview Medical Center in Jasper, Marion County. According to HCA, which has also used the name Columbia, the new 50 bed, 95,000 square foot, medical facility was developed to replace the long serving and aging medical center in South Pittsburg.

The loss of their hospital dismayed many in the community who felt that the new hospital should also be located in South Pittsburg. On November 14, 1995 the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported that “the city sued in Marion County Chancery Court to force the manager of its hospital to disclose whether it intends to close the non-profit hospital.” The mayor of the city at that time, David Payne worried that “Columbia has refused repeated requests that it assure the city that it does not intend to buy South Pittsburg Hospital and close it to prevent competition with the one Columbia plans to build just outside the city.” At that time, Columbia, which had managed SPMH for several years, had only agreed to pay $50,000 for the equity in the hospital. The article suggests that Columbia may have been interested in the acquisition of SPMH to acquire its Certificate of Need for beds, which would assist them in obtaining the state approval needed to build Grandview. Over the disapproval of many in the South Pittsburg community, the new $30 million hospital eventually opened its doors to great fanfare the week of September 29, 1998, while the long serving nonprofit hospital quietly closed its doors.


Paranormal Claims

Over the years since its closing, there have been many reports of Unusual and Paranormal activity relayed from South Pittsburgs residents, Former Employees, Media, Investigators and Teams. Some of this activity was reported from the first day the Hospital was open. Baby cries in the Nusery when there were no babies there at the time is only one example. Does the Hospital hold memories from its colorfull past tied to the land or the Hospital’s darker past and many deaths within its walls? Old South Pittsburg Hospital welcomes only serious Paranormal Investigation Teams and Paranormal Enthusiasts to come into the 22 hour locked down controlled environment to see if they can capture some of this reported activity. We embrace scientific study & Meta physical regarding all areas of the Paranormal. This is a perfect place to field test equipment and theories safely to gain knowledge to bring to your clients on future investigations. We are an Para Alternative Educational & Research Facility.

A lot of evidence has surfaced from the Old South Pittsburg Hospital on a regular basis of paranormal activity that you are welcome to view on this website. This activity includes, but not limited to Day time and Night time Photos, Being touched, Full body apparitions, Black Shadow people, Strange balls of light, Disembodied voices calling out to you, doors slamming of their own will, and sounds of footsteps.

Upon years of research and contacts, some of the former Nurses, Employees and Patients have come forward with their own experiences while working here when it was open. When the Hospital was open many employees, patients and security have reported things moving in the hallways, such as medicine carts, shadow people, being touched by unseen hands, full body apparitions and many times the security was called thinking there was an intruder during all 3 shifts because they heard voices heard noises and saw shadow people lurking in the hallways and rooms. Come to find out that there was no one there, and no reasonable cause.

Some of the Nurses that worked here reported Baby cries or woman screaming, when there was no one there. To this day teams often capture these sounds through EVPs and Video. There seems to be MANY souls that still remain within the aging concrete walls of the Old South Pittsburg Hospital that really want to make contact and be heard. There has been evidence that suggests that we have many young children and adults that remain and want to speak out to you! We have 2 Doctors making rounds as usual, and one that doesn’t like you going into the Operating rooms without washing up.

One of the most common reports is of a large Black Shadow man we believe that is a Pedophile of children. His menacing presence and doesn’t seem to want you here!! He will tell you to F*** Off, “Get the Hell Out”, “Leave”, and sometimes will tell the other spirits not to talk to us. There is a deep dark secret that he hides! When he is near, you have an overwhelming feeling of heaviness may occur. Although no one has been injured, this shadow man makes it clear he doesn’t want you here! Slamming doors are very common here, voices and numerous EVP’s captured reminds you his presence is strong. He has been sighted here on a regular basis. This is just one of the numerous experiences you may encounter while Investigating.

From our best estimates, there are at least 8 children, 6 of which remain on the third floor. You may encounter one of the Hospitals visitors favorites “Buddy”, on the 3rd Floor. This is a small child probably about the age of 2, wanting to play or asking you to pick him up. There has been a Thermal video on this website that was captured of him. Baby cries and woman sobbing have been heard throughout the building.

There is an older woman on the 3rd Floor at the end of the hallway, that tends to not like females, but will call out to the male guests. The second floor you may encounter one of the two Nurses that passed here. Or a male that died from TB as he calls out for “Help”. A woman screaming or babies crying are VERY common here in all areas of the Hospital.

One of saddest patients here is Hazel, an elderly woman. She is our screaming lady. Her voice has been captured here in the hallways with an unforgettable scream. Back in the day, she was admitted to the Hospital from a local nursing home for a mental observation then to go up to the Psych ward. She has a rough and gravely voice, and tells people to “Go Back!” After 3 days of her stay here, Hazel died from infections, and complications. She has been heard and recorded several places in the Hospital. When you hear her scream or yell at you, you will never forget it!! Down by the Bio-Hazard you sometimes feel and hear someones steps closely behind you, only to turn around and no one is there. There have been several photos of the entity we call “Hissing man”. He seems to beckon you as you walk near that area, with a “hey”! In the basement, we have a fun spirit that we call the “Naughty Nurse”. She doesn’t seem to give up her name, but often will touch you softly in personal places or whisper things or laugh to let you know she is around. In the basement, you may encounter a residual Doctor walking around or black shadow that may walk right up to you. We have had many reports of an old Janitor here that died in the 60’s when the Hospital was still operating, that still works around the building and doesn’t like you criticizing his work. He is still looking for his keys. These are just some of the spirits that you might encounter here.

Some say all of this History and Geographical formations can amplify the paranormal activity that occurs here on a regular basis. There is the only “Ley Line” In TN located within 2 miles of the property. This ley line runs directly through Russell Cave, where the Native Americans used to use.





Haunt of the day goes to ..:drum roll:.. Marietta, GA

Haunted Places in Marietta, GA: The Kennesaw House

Marietta, Georgia, like most Southern towns, has its share of ghost stories, many of which I documented in my book, Haunted Marietta. But of all the alleged haunted places in Marietta, perhaps the most fascinating is the Kennesaw House. Located next to the railroad tracks and adjacent to the Marietta Welcome Center, the very location of the house makes it easy to picture bygone times. History is in the very air, and it does not seem unlikely that shades from the past would linger there and all around the square.

Now the home of the Marietta Museum of History, The Kennesaw House was originally built in the 1840′s as a cotton warehouse, but was then turned into a restaurant, to serve the passengers from the railroad depot next door. In 1855, the Fletchers bought the building and turned it into an inn. Its location right next to the railroad made it a natural home for Union soldiers and spies during the War Between the States, especially since Mr. Fletcher was an alleged Union sympathizer.

It was from the Kennesaw House, then known as the Fletcher House, that James Andrews and his group of spies plotted their attempt to steal the train, the General, which became the basis for such films as “The Great Locomotive Chase” in later years. In 1864, the hotel was taken over by the Union army, and Sherman briefly used it as his headquarters.

Most of the ghostly activity that has been widely reported in the Kennesaw House seems to stem from the use of the building as a makeshift hospital and morgue during the war. Television documentaries from PBS, CNN, and The History Channel have told the story of visitors who descended to the basement in the elevator, only to be greeted by the gruesome site of a crowded hospital room, men screaming in agony, blood everywhere, as weary surgeons operated and removed limbs with little or no anesthesia. Other people have seen an apparition of what appears to be a Civil War-era surgeon, dressed in uniform, who apparently likes to ride the elevator.

Another ghostly figure that has been reportedly seen, especially by children, in the Kennesaw House, is a lady in an old-fashioned dress with pink trim. Some children have identified her as the lady in a portrait in the house, Mrs. Fletcher, the wife of the second original owner.

Some years ago, the paranormal investigation group to which I belong, Ghost Hounds, investigated the house and caught what appears to be a ghostly figure of a woman on film. Other people have caught anomalies in photos, as well. The museum director, Dan Cox, has also captured several ghostly images in photos taken from the security cameras at the museum.

Whether you encounter ghosts or not, Kennesaw House is a handsome building which houses an excellent museum that is well worth your visit. The museum is open from 10 AM until 4 PM Monday-Saturday. It is located just off Marietta Square next to the railroad tracks.

About Rhetta Akamatsu
Rhetta Akamatsu is a long-time resident of Marietta and the author of Haunted Marietta, which is available at local bookstores and online at Amazon and all other major bookstores. She also writes about the Atlanta area for examiner.com as the Atlanta Historic Places Examiner.